SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, Folge 78-21, Zukunfts-Sinn, Priit Siilaberg

Die Stimme heute kommt von einem sympathischen Menschen, den ich dieses Jahr auf der MEDICA kennengelernt habe. Ein führender Spezialist und Partner des international tätigen e-Health Unternehmens HELMES. Priit Siilaberg sagt:

"I've been dealing with different digitalization processes in the healthcare sector and in the public sector generally. Our HELMES company has around 1000 engineers working around the world. We are coming from Estonia - a small country but we are also known as one of the most digital society."

"The most important thing is the strong partnership between public authorities. We need trust. And: All public services must be citizen-centric. In Estonia every individual has full access to his own data. Today it's very important to use that data to improve our quality of life - especially during pandemics."



SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, Folge 79-21, Zukunfts-Sinn, Renate Maaßen


SINNFLUT – DIE STIMME, 77-21, Zukunfts-Sinn, Andreas Reiter